Conroe Adventist Academy
Current Health and Safety Policies and Procedures

Guidelines and protocols at a glance

Masks are required by any student in a shared public indoor area.
Pre-k through 4th grade will not need to use masks in the classroom. Social distancing will be enforced.
5th - 12th grade will need to wear masks indoors. Social distancing will be enforced.

Your student will remain with their class/cohort ONLY each day. Classes will not mix with each other.

Play is so important for child development! This year we will utilize our outdoor spaces as much as possible to give our kids time free from masks and getting fresh air.
When outdoor time is not possible, our gym will be used with social distancing encouraged.

Each classroom will eat as a group without mixing with other classes. Potential eating areas include outdoor spaces, classrooms or gymnasium. Microwaves will be provided for grades 1-12 but cold or pre-heated meals are preferred.

Public spaces will be cleaned often throughout the day such as restrooms, doorknobs, tables etc.
Our playgrounds will be power washed twice weekly for a deep clean.
Handwashing and sanitizing will be encouraged frequently.

Each morning our students start their day with a morning worship with their class. Once a week we will have a virtual chapel with all classes.
CAA Health and Safety Policies and Procedures
The health of our students, faculty and staff remains our top priority. We will implement measures as follows, all of which are subject to change based on federal, state, and local directives. As a religious institution, we have been provided with Attorney General of Texas Documentation which allows us to determine our learning plan each year. Plans are subject to change based on state and local mandates. All changes will be communicated directly to parents and posted on our website.
Only essential visitors will be allowed on campus.
Parent visits to campus are restricted at this time.
Face masks/face shields are mandatory for all faculty members as outlined in the Texas State mandate.
Face masks/face shields are mandatory for all students in public spaces, anywhere 6-foot social- distancing cannot be maintained, and as outlined in the Texas State mandate.
Parents will be responsible for providing suitable masks for their students.
Students will be required to wash hands or use hand sanitizer when entering or departing classrooms.
Classroom items such as desks and other supplies will be disinfected between uses.
Recommended social distancing measures will be in place.
Upon arrival each morning, students will wear masks in the public hallway and go directly to their classrooms.
Students will stay in cohorts (classroom communities). Individual desk seating will allow for 6-foot social distancing.
Masks will be required in public spaces. The Texas State Mandate says children under 10 are exempt from wearing masks.
PE classes will be held outdoors as weather permits. When indoors, students will follow physical distancing guidelines for activities.
Outdoor time will be structured to allow social distancing. Recess time may include walks and other outdoor activities.
Chapel will be held in the classrooms virtually.
Lunches should be brought from home. If a cafeteria or catering program becomes available safety protocols will be instituted. Pre-K/K will eat in their self-contained environment. 1st through 4th grades will eat in their classroom, outside, or other designated area where social distancing can be maintained.
MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL (5th through 12th grade)
Upon arrival each morning, students will go directly to their classrooms and homerooms.
Masks will be required in public spaces. Students over 10 years of age will be following the Texas State mandate.
Grades 5-8 are considered one cohort. High School will be considered one cohort.
Chapel will be held in the classrooms virtually or in cohorts. Social distancing will be maintained.
Lunches should be brought from home. If a cafeteria or catering program becomes available safety protocols will be instituted. Students may eat outside with supervision and proper distancing.
Students will not gather in large groups on campus.
These classes may switch classrooms. Community shared spaces will be disinfected between uses.
Scheduled synchronous (real time) instruction from home.
Teachers will be streaming and recording class live.
Schedules for individual classes will be determined by teachers.
Students must be available throughout the scheduled school day.
Breaks will occur throughout the day.
Homework and assignments will be the same for in class and online remote learning options
Attendance is outlined by the Texas Education Agency as being present either in person or online for 90% of days enrolled.
Daily screen and technology time and exposure will be determined based on appropriate development stages and expectations and communicated by start of school.
Families may request students switch back to in-person learning at the end of each quarter. Each request will be considered based on desk availability in the classroom, and on a first come, first serve basis. If a classroom is at capacity then the student will remain in on-line remote learning until space is becomes available.
Chromebooks will be provided for student use both at school and at home.
Students and teachers will utilize Google Classroom Suite.
Wi-Fi Capabilities will need to be utilized. If families need help accessing Wi-Fi, the school can recommend resources.
Students will be expected to follow all technology guidelines as outlined in the CAA Handbook.
Disinfecting measures will be implemented as follows:
DAY CLEANING - A designated member of our facilities staff will be assigned to clean and disinfect all doorknobs, countertops and other high touch, high traffic areas across campus throughout the school day.
AFTER SCHOOL CLEANING - Our contracted custodial person will perform cleaning and disinfecting in every building on our campus. Special attention will be paid to sanitizing high touch areas.
HVAC FILTERS - Premium MERV-13 air filters will be installed in all classroom areas. These filters are CDC approved.
Classroom desks and other supplies will be disinfected between each use.
Hand sanitizer stations have been placed throughout campus.
Each classroom will be provided with HEPA air purifiers.
Outdoor sink near playground areas.
Routines will include regular breaks for appropriate handwashing.